Monday, May 30, 2011


The word Sphinx from the Greek word shingo sense of suffocation or shpingein sense of linkage strongly and this for the Sphinx Greek and had taken the name on the rest of the statues of the Sphinx in the Arab World and Egypt to the point of selection because of the similarity of physical between him and the Sphinx Greek, and the After all, the building of the Great Sphinx of Giza in Egypt much earlier Greek, the meaning of the Sphinx our Arabic language comes from the great thing or the great and horrifying as the legend division between the Greeks and the Pharaohs, we will start Boolhma
Mythical creature of an object half the top of the female and the remaining body of the lion and wings of a bird was said to be Jeriven And this was the object suffocates its victims and from here came the label, that this being is the result of the marriage and the beasts of the monsters and the Greeks are the Typhoon Typhon (an object with 100 head Sam and killed by Zeus himself) and Echidna (an object that has the top beautiful nymph and the body of a giant snake). And the atomic Akidna other objects of erotic horror, including: seven Nehemiah, Cyprios, to Edwin, Alcamira, and Hydra. And all the monsters we will discuss it later

Oedipus is a hero of the Greeks with destinies sad and whose name appears in psychology known as the b ((Oedipus complex)) but what concerns us of his story is his meeting with the Sphinx, this has been the object sits on a high rock and was attacking convoys and detained, but he offered puzzle, solve it that they were to spend in peace, and that death is not solved them, of course, one could not solve this puzzle
Aodibos heard in this matter he decided to move to the place of the test, Sphinx asked him, "What is the object that came to be morning, walked on four feet, and in the back two, and three in the evening," he replied confidently Adibus "Man, in childhood creeps on hands and knees , and at maturity on two walks, but in the greatness Wejtko Crutch "
I was surprised Ambassins Ohadjitha solution that could not be resolved and this one throws herself from above to perish without a fight, I've had a great gratitude of the people that set up Adibus their king and queen of Zojoh Jocasta

Sphinx guard the horizon

Most of the western world stands for the Sphinx Abu Sphinx of Egypt, or as they call the Great Sphinx because the oldest and largest and most famous of the Greek, and has been re-discovery of the Sphinx of the Western world when the passage of Napoleon in Egypt in 1798, and there are the many very sphinxes around the world and mostly in Egypt and Giza

Sphinx of Egypt represents the top of the king smiling wearing a lid decorated with a head and a lion's body and some of them considered Ibn Sun Goddess Egyptian (Ra) and is thus a strength and wisdom and was a symbol of the presence of Egypt's strong centuries ago, but there is another kind of Sphinx Egyptian and be in the form of a ram and is continued for another god (Amon)

Sphinx is a statue of a mysterious Egypt in ancient times and has been said that the purpose to protect the graves of kings Khufu and Khafre and Mnkra from enemies and thieves
Never think that this father of Hall of another kind, that he (Anubis) guard the tomb and is responsible for the embalming and has another story

Construction of the Sphinx

Carving the Sphinx of rock hard basalt and maybe giving you that head is smaller than the body because the body was buried under the sand preferred to retain its structure intact from erosion desert unlike the head that was buried, and revealed several times over the centuries, removed sand from the body of the Sphinx completely in 1905 to reveal the beauty of this statue
Length of the foot in 1915 and reach full height to 45 m, high head in 1910 and the width 4 m, and because the composition of the statue of several layers, some softer than others has eroded some areas, and retained the other form, and therefore has lost a lot of the finer details of the form of the original
I have hurt the face of the Sphinx a lot of erosion and of the human factors, but there are some remnants of the original painting can be seen next to one ear and has been the Sphinx beautiful colors
Who is the builder of the Sphinx??
The most common theory is that the King Khafre (2558-2532 BCE) from the fourth dynasty is ordered the construction of the Sphinx, Khafre is one of the sons of Khufu (the Great Pyramid) and there is a straight passage between the Sphinx and the pyramid East (the tomb of Khafre) and is almost of the same age pyramid East, which was built with the 2540 BCE, and some scientists estimated age of the Sphinx between 7000 to 10000 years old at the expense of the degree of erosion of the body and head desert severe erosion factors, and moisture

He thought for a long time that the face of a sphinx-like face of King Khafre, but the similarity surprising between the Sphinx and the older brother of Khafre is King Djdevri Djedefre, who ruled for a short time of time, and unlike his brothers did not build a pyramid to him in Giza, but built in Abu Rewish where now lies Mdharra strongly, and some believe that Khafre usurped the throne from his brother King then built the pyramid and the Sphinx in Giza
And suggested that a German scientist in the history of the Egyptian Al-Ahram that the builder is the real King Khufu himself and is also the builder of the Great Pyramid, but that possibility is far from reality
Doorways to Dreams - Dream Stela
There are between my feet Sphinx Gate, now called the gate of dreams, a pattern story, tell us the story of the eighth generation of the royal two tenths Ttmosis VI - (c.1400-1390 BCE) Thutmosis IV Nam at the head of Sphinx, which was mired with dirt until his neck. Ttmosis dream that the Sphinx and the word and promise to become a king but in return he has to liberate him from the sands of the desert and it removes the dirt
Does not know m, which really happened in that period, but it seems that Ttmosis still sand on the Sphinx at the time, it is believed that the dream was a story fabricated for political purposes, a kind of propaganda to prove the legitimacy of the king and his credibility For by believing the ancient Egyptians that the gods are decided and supported by the next Pharaoh, and perhaps in this case, the Sphinx itself ..

Painting made of granite over the gate tells the story of a dream in addition to recording the first year under the rule of Ttmosis and dreams in the entrance there is a kind of altar, where the idolatrous cult in the reign of Ramses II Rameses II (c.1279-1213 BCE
Areas was not discovered until today!

And where is the Sphinx marvel in itself, let alone Al-Ahram that stands behind it is a mystery for the ages that followed, perhaps because of its association with the hidden continent sunken Atlantis, and has appeared this belief when he predicted the fortune teller American named Edgar Cayce the existence of two Omametin under the feet of the Sphinx Thoian libraries filled with records of those who survived the destruction of Atlantis

For a period of the order did not give any attention, but the workers responsible for repair found partially open input side and the Sphinx, according to estimates that the door has been open only once and only once, did not show any of the images site section specifically ..

It was also the discovery of a series of tunnels starting in 1995, two of them under the Sphinx, so the team of scientists used the Western Alsemograv to unfold to them the existence of underground spaces in the form of regular rooms Thtalord a few meters away, under the feet specifically Alomamajtn!!
Even today .. Other examinations did not allow
We now know with certainty that there are chambers under the Sphinx and around him, great and wonderful discoveries did not detect them after the curtain perhaps the greatest discoveries of the Valley of the Kings .. and the fortune teller's prophecy may have been incorrect and that there is a link between the Pharaohs and the legendary civilization Atlantis

By Sphinx

Scientists believe that this road runs from Luxor to the sink, what distinguishes such a way that there are about 4000 to 5000 a statue on the side of the road, which was an important trade route at that time and, unfortunately, did not remain of those statues only a limited number have smashed into one and another was taken to exhibitions

Why did not destroy the Muslims When I opened the Sphinx of Egypt under Amr ibn al-Aas and other Islamic leaders, he is an idol all the way!
It was the Sphinx buried under layers of dirt, if notice is good you will find that the Sphinx sits in a hole less than the level of Al-Ahram behind eight-Ahram located far from Cairo at the time, and did not know exactly when the back of the Sphinx visible again, but it seems He was not a harm to one in any case in the Middle Ages and the following is now an integral part of your visit to Egypt's monuments and the pyramids which guarded

Why Sphinx without a nose, and where did he disappear??

It was said that the Turks are broke his nose and his beard, but the story is the most famous and an endorsement is that the nose and beard, the victims of artillery rounds, Napoleon training, but that after several shots did not succeed only in breaking his nose and his beard and causing a lot of damage but the Sphinx not broken deities steadfast despite everything

Sphinx in the cinema

Sphinx appeared in Hollywood movies for several times and perhaps most important is what Sntqsr to mention is a snapshot of entry into Rome in the majestic landscape in the movie Cleopatra in 1963
As well as the Sphinx has appeared in a film produced by Disney, entitled Prince of Egypt - Prince Of Eygpt , And finally made a game on his name in 2003 for the PS2 entitled Spinx and the curesd mummy and was also a key element in the game Age Of Mythology


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