Lies the Temple of Dendera in the village of Dendera, and this village is located 4 kilometers on the western coast of the Nile and the western city of Qena, had built this temple for the worship of the god Hathor, goddess of love and beauty, maternity and family at the ancient Egyptians, was the statue of Hathor in the form of a cow or a bear centuries cow on head.
He built the Temple of Dendera in the Ptolemaic period, and what was the Ptolemaic Dynasty from the commanders of Alexander the Aging who parted the Empire, they did not build this temple on the style of ancient Egyptian in building temples, but it is a feature of building temples in the era of the occupation Batalmy to Egypt, and can easily get out of this result by a comparison Temple Dendera ancient Egyptian temples in this region.
And the magnitude of the temple has contributed more in the residence of the Governor of Ptolemy III began to build in the idea and began construction in the first century BC, and completed part of the "Ptolemy XI" and finally finished the construction in the era of the Roman emperor, "Augustus"
Among the most important being overwhelmed by the temple there is a famous drawing of Queen Cleopatra and her son "Sizarryon from" Julius Caesar.
The temple contains 24 columns in the hall on the column header of each column embodiment of the god Hathor and roofs of the temple is famous for the numerous astronomical Epplersom which includes the Albrasz heavenly, and the temple in good condition and still Nqoucheh clearly tells the story of the history of this era in the history of Egypt.
Built in the city (Dandara) on the western shore of the Nile south of the city (QNA), Cree for the worship of the goddess (Hathor), built this temple in the first century BC at the end of the Ptolemaic era and the first Roman emperor (August), the latest temples of Egypt, which still retains Brongaha so far, the structure of this temple is simple, does not disadvantage thing is that Nqoucheh clarifies the Egyptian art of decay, and it is clear from the succession of scenes frequently and without proficiency in the show details, and decreases the temple architecture, the lobby, and then find a place spacious to hold concerts, followed by vestibule roof which carries 24 column capitals with a Halit (Hathor) in the form of a musical instrument, then the colonnade adorned with scenes and behind the building of the temple courtyard of the lobby lead to the cabin of the ship there were sacred, and in the end of the temple, we find the Holy of Holies
Dandara governorate of Qena hot archaeologists of all nationalities in how to remove soot from the roof and walls and succeeded Dr. Jamal Mahjoub, Head of Central Department for restoration and maintenance to reach a chemical compound new to remove the soot without effect on the doors magnificent temple .. After completion of the initial experiments succeeded team work in uncovering the roof of a temple of the corridors of the 7 corridors, Dr. Jamal Mahjoub said that after examination of soot and other particulates roof of the temple and the walls turned out to be a black and fat accumulations resulting from the use of the temple for housing in previous time periods, After conducting several experiments on the removal of soot in different places was reached compound has been successfully applied and removed more than 200 square meters of soot, internal portico roof of the temple, "Dr restricted to remove the soot from the roof of the Temple of Dendera was the dream of all archaeologists, and that after the establishment of the Visitor Center and the development of the general location around the temple, which took four years it was difficult to development of outer-sufficiency and not compromising the great temple,
This was the catalyst to start the experiment to remove soot, Spring Hamdan, Director General of the effects of Qena, said that the building of the Temple of Dendera was on several stages where he stayed with King Khufu's temple in this place of the gods Htamor and the wedding of King between the first and several sculptures including the gold statue of a young son Ihy offers offerings to the gods themselves Htamor Tuthmosis III and re-establish the worship of the gods, and represent the many forms Htamor most famous woman decorates her sun disk between the horns of a cow and take the Temple of Dendera wall of brick length of 1200 meters, inside the fence there are several buildings, including the Roman house of birth, Bazlica and Coptic, and the house of birth of the king Nkhtnbu, and the clinic, and the well, and a sacred lake, the Temple of Isis, the great temple.
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