Monday, May 30, 2011

Secrets hidden power of pyramids

The height of the Great Pyramid in Egypt (Giza) 149.4 meters and the distance between the Earth and the sun of 149.4 million kilometers and direction of the door in the direction of Polaris also indicate the corners of the pyramid to the side of the original four directions exactly.

Did not exceed a period building of the pyramids for 20 years. The number of stones that built the Great Pyramid of 2.3 million stone. Back building of the pyramids of the fourth family that ruled Egypt from 4000 BC.

The three pyramids of stones enough to build a wall area of ​​2 cubic meters and extends a length of 100 thousand square kilometers around the globe along the equator.

There is no cement at all to install the stones, Al Ahram, but use the type of oil with which to fill drilling over the stone and then ignites and then placed the stone chipped away at the other, he spoke to the air stone puberty (the idea of ​​cups of air).

Did you know that the measurements of the pyramid determines the distance between the sun and the earth? Did you know that the area of ​​the Great Pyramid base twelve acres and a half? Average weight of each stone in the pyramid, 302.5 tons. Herodotus said: The (100000) A man built this pyramid for over 20 years.

Can you believe that the temperature inside the room the great Pyramid of King throughout the year does not exceed 22 degrees Celsius!! The reason for the presence of holes Ichterqan rocks on both sides of the pyramid.

To strip the scientists analyzed the areas of pyramids in Giza, stones and found traces of chemicals prove that they are cut off from the ends of these stones at the south of Egypt chemicals which confirms that the pharaohs were aware of the chemistry.

Consider the ingenuity of the ancient Egyptians in building and construction. And the greatness which they were. And always invite you to visit the Egyptian pyramids to see what pleases of creativity in the Egyptian ancient history.

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