Monday, May 30, 2011

Secrets hidden power of pyramids (The pyramids and their relationship to the sun)

In the first scientific study of its kind carried out by the Czech world Professor "Ladislav Kachinki" prove the relationship between sunrise and sunset and the building of the pyramids, after a long search for three full years involved with a group of scientists and came out the results confirm the facts interesting than that:
That when the solar radiation falling through the gaps between the clouds that obscure the solar disk images in part on the ground take the form hierarchically, a huge peak in the cloud base in the earth ...
And that this part of the link to the sun-Ahram.

It was found that this phenomenon is clearly seen after the fall of rain and usually begins in the clouds Visibility out when the weather will be loaded with water vapor which helps to track the emergence of solar radiation going to the ground very clearly.

So show the photos are taken of the sun during sunrise and sunset in the area of
​​Helwan and Saqqara in Tiuslovakia - by means of cameras in particular - that the disk of the sun under the climatic conditions and topography of the particular sometimes appear during sunset and sunrise in the form of a pyramid, and that vary these forms hierarchical solar conditions prevailing weather before the imaging process geographical location.

A phenomenon that you see during sunrise more clearly than in the case of sunset as the lead accumulations air of dust and dust during the night to highlight this phenomenon am unlike the case at sunset as it hinders moves air blur the features of this phenomenon is known that the pharaohs were able to identify the virtual path of the sun which reflects the movement of the real annual land around the sun and lead to a succession of chapters ... Therefore, some temples were established in a manner so astronomical engineering intervention in the sun, some in limited times during the year such as the Temple "Amun Ra" in Thebes and the Temple of "Ramses II" at Abu Simbel.
This is the Pyramid of Saqqara three-dimensional model of the disk of the sun on the horizon as the pyramid reflects the gradient in the edge of the disk of the sun on the horizon overlooking when weather conditions in particular. It was found that in the first seconds of the Rising Sun appears on the edge of the sun terrace and a rectangle, and then followed by the emergence of terrace other second and third .... Thus, in the form of a hierarchy included a clear-cut consists of several (beds) and the number of these terraces vary according to prevailing weather conditions in the aerobics classes near the surface of the earth and that it may abound these gradients and interfere with each other made form hierarchically normal to him gradients relative.

It was established by purely physical terms, this phenomenon reflects the lack of homogeneity in the properties of the layers of air adjacent to Earth's surface resulting in variation in temperature and density distributions prevailing, which leads to varying seeing disk of the sun.

It all shows that
the Pyramid  according to the belief of the Pharaohs - is only a giant can climb ladders to the sky through which to reach out to god Ra as well as to monitor the journey of the sun from sunrise to sunset in honor of the blessing.


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